Put extracted files in client/server root folder with replacement of all files - all old levels will work as before. Levels/MP_ZOMBIE_MOD_001 CO-OP - (sangre del torro mission) ATACAMA DESERT FUN mod with bots what follow player all time Levels/MP_SP_006 CO-OP - (sangre del torro mission) ATACAMA DESERT with bots (conqest mode) Levels/MP_TANKBATTLE_002 CO-OP - (sangre del torro mission) ATACAMA DESERT mod with bots and many vehicles (conqest mode) Levels/MP_SP_008CQ CO-OP - (zero dark thirty mission) LAS MONTANAS CQ with bots (conqest mode)
Levels/MP_SP_004 CO-OP - 'Snowblind CQ co-op'- level from single player game Levels/MP_SP_004gr RUSH CO-OP - 'Snowblind RUSH co-op'- level from single player game Levels/MP_SP_008gr RUSH CO-OP - 'LAS MONTANAS RUSH'- level from single player game Levels/MP_TANKBATTLE_001 - CONQUEST - sangre del torro map mod usual conqest. Levels/MP_SP_006CQ - CONQUEST - sangre del torro map mod as usual conqest The level with narrow streets is good for infantry
Levels/MP_SP_008 - (zero dark thirty mission) LAS MONTANAS level from single player game is almost fully ported to multiplayer mode game. Levels/MP_SP_004CQ - 'Snowblind CQ' level from single player game 10 new multiplayer maps, co-op conqest mode, weapons, vehicles, characters from single player game and vietnam addon, bots, su 39 and f18 combat jets from cutscenes, vehicles upgrade, light for fx and more.